
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Karl Heinrich Marx: Materialism: An Effort to Destroy Caste Screens

Marx confronted “what determine society development isn’t their consciousness isn’t what they think about themselves but their real condition that’s situation and condition of people life. So that’s not something abstract only in our mind, imagination, expectation, but the facts/ being conditions, the real life process. Human method to produce what they need to live is society condition. Thereby, society condition influenced not only people development but also their own consciousness.
What Marx called by society condition is productions and works of human. Human is determined by production, either its product or the way. This view is called by Materialism, it means the basic of human activity is human works. In this case, Marx accepts Feuerbach opinion that the last reality is sensory object which is understood by works or production. However, the difference from Feuerbach is sensory world around it isn’t something suddenly being, but universe is product of industries and society in universe meaning is product of history.
Term history refers to Hegel as dialectical process is accepted by Marx. But there is a difference understanding. History Marx definition is classes buffetings to realize freedom, not about actualization of Spirit Soul, also not about thesis-antithesis Subjective Soul and Objective Soul, but regarding life contradictions of society moreover in economic and production activity. So to understand human and his change is unnecessary to observe what human think, but by seeing everything about production.
Likewise human consciousness and his expectation are determined by their condition in society in this case in social class. The example is the worker (proletarian class). The absent of ownership from production tools make them perforce historically have not choice of action. The aim and their historical activities were destined in their life condition that dependent on the owner of production tools will. Because of this condition, the way of production determined the way human think. The logical consequence of this condition is the way of proletarian thinking is how to survive and the way of owner thinking is how to have greatest number of production tools. From those, cold down several things. First, the way of production can determine the being of social classes. Second, the membership of social classes determined people interest. Third, interest determined what be expected and what people consider about good and bad.
After all, what he firstly wants to struggle now became justification of brogues attitude. Even though he admits that he is not Marxism, it will always adhere on him. Thus, the brogues will always dominate and colonize proletarian. And his concept became basic of colonization around world. Therefore, it could be said that his effort was failed. Moreover he loudly defies all of spirituality form. It’s affirmed his though is oriented only into material thing.

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